That will create an element of conflict, as Friday and Saturday will put you in a mood to indulge Set a new inner direction but give it time to flourish You'll have to take a stand, assert your authority or deal with someone else that's keen to have their say. Take extra care with the finances, midweek. A romantic link will feature for some. Romance may feature or you may just work close and need to get on with others. You'll have all sorts of people or situations demanding responsible attention these weeks, so give of your best. Past contacts will return. The midweek will see you light on your feet and dancing through a raft of appointments and communications. Good plans and good business will favour you these weeks and 'party mode' will be the default to set. Sundays will sort your financial decisions, even if others are not in agreement. What's the final act and the stunning last scene?. You will need to take an orderly or organised approach in your dealings these weeks. Get physical. Be careful with arrangements and communications, as they'll tend to go wonky. However, you might have testy dealings over the dollars with a friend or in relation to a special interest Get close to your loved one. Get into a favourite activity or skill as the weeks begin. Meantime, overseas links, travel plans, legal matters or studies may be fraught or in a little disarray. Food and a favourite recreation will help you navigate through the midweek. Responsibility will fall to you and you'll have to get the job done. You may need to discuss or negotiate the options before you, especially with work. Get basic spending organized. If you feel like you're going through the mangle with a health or work concern at the moment, you'll be entirely justified. You may have meetings with financial people. A strong or critical female will feature. You may forge plans or strategies that will develop over time. Legal concerns may be testing. Get out for a tasty or exotic meal on sunday. Harmony's the key!. The solution to a lot of little problems will be a big rush of enthusiasm and a release of energy. There's all kinds of finger food to tempt your taste buds when you're in the mood. Take a quick breather after the mid-week, catching up with chores or stretching out to grab some extra zzzz's You'll start the weeks with good companions or like-minded folk as you enjoy common interests. The day's move will bring your loved one into focus. More attention is needed for your inner life. Stick to what's required. Creative or spiritual activities may call. You may look at a far horizon and wonder how to get there. Watch communications. A chance encounter will bring opportunity. It could be a heady or even heated discussion. You'll want fun and entertainment on Sunday but calls or unexpected developments may alter your plans. |  |